Donate Now
Our goal is to provide a warm, human caring home for everyone who lives at Porteous Lodge and Stensrud Lodge. While medical care and basic support are important, they do not combat feelings of loneliness, helplessness and boredom.
At Jubilee Residences we want to provide a nurturing atmosphere so we must raise money to cover costs for things not funded by the government.
Your contributions allow the Jubilee Residences Foundation to enhance the atmosphere in our homes. Provincial government funding does not cover the cost of most equipment, furnishings or enhancements to the living environment. In fact, government funding has been cut back over the past number of years and barely covers basic services.
By Mail
Cheques and pledge forms may be mailed to
Jubilee Residences Foundation
25 2602 Taylor Street E,
Saskatoon, SK S7H 1X2
Credit Card donations can be made by calling
306-955-0234 ext 101
Through Canada Helps
CanadaHelps provides organizations like ours with a convenient and low-cost way of receiving online donations. It is easy to use, secure, and your confidentiality is guaranteed. The only cost to the Jubilee Residences Foundation is credit card fees that are also charged if you donated directly to us using your credit card. Your receipt is sent by Canada Helps.
Where does the money go?
There are always more needs to be met than what our foundation is able to fund—most needs have a direct impact on our residents’ quality of life. Every donation, whatever size, helps enrich the lives of the older adults who live in our lodges.
Funds raised help to replace broken or out-of-date equipment and furnishings, as well as redevelop and upgrade space based on what will have the most impact on the quality of life for residents.
Donations can be directed for use to where there is the greatest need or to specific projects or lodges. Funding for all projects is based on recommendations made by the Quality of Life Committee of the Jubilee Residences Board and approved by the Jubilee Residences Foundation Board.

Ways to Donate
There are many ways in which you can invest in the Jubilee Residences Foundation's efforts and make a difference in the day-to-day lives of current residents as well as future residents. Each gift is as valuable as the next because it comes from those who care about our residents, about Porteous Lodge and Stensrud Lodge and the work we do. We would like you to know that the Jubilee Residences Foundation has a priority need for unrestricted gifts—this means that you allow Jubilee Residences to use your gift to help move one of its priority projects forward.
Designate Your Gift
You can also designate your gift. This means you can specify which lodge or project you would like to help. We encourage you to give in a way that suits you best.
You can make a gift of cash, a bequest in your will, a charitable gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust, shares/securities, or a life insurance policy. The following is more information on the manners in which you can give.
General Donations
Gifts can go undesignated to be used in an area most in need or can be designated toward a specific lodge or project.
In Memoriam
A beautiful way to remember a loved one or the relative of a friend by helping to improve the quality of life for current and future residents. An acknowledgement will be sent informing the family of this kind gesture.
In Honour
Honour and remember a loved one on a special occasion or for a special reason. An acknowledgement will be sent informing the honouree or their family of this kind gesture.
Special Thanks
A nice way to thank someone for their kindness or a staff member for special treatment of a resident or tenant.
Planned Giving/Legacy Giving
A planned or legacy gift is a special way to carefully plan donations in a tax-elective way that balances your financial needs during your lifetime and your long-term charitable goals. All donations are tax-deductible. Charitable tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more.